Welcome to the Delaware
MTSS Technical Assistance Center Website!
Who We Are
The Delaware Multi-tiered System of Support Technical Assistance Center (DE-MTSS TA Center) was established by DDOE in partnership with CDS. The staff team at CDS provides professional learning and coaching for Delaware educators to support the academic and nonacademic development of all children through an integrated multi-tiered system of support. MTSS is a framework designed to eradicate systemic barriers through prevention and responsiveness to the varied needs of all learners.
The DE-MTSS TA Center’s team brings together expertise from the historical Adapting Curriculum & Classroom Environments for Student Success (ACCESS) and Delaware Positive Behavior Support (DE-PBS) initiatives.
Our Equity Mission Statement:
At the DE-MTSS Technical Assistance Center, we are committed to improving outcomes for each student through collaboration with the DE Dept. of Education, LEAs, and schools. Educational systems cannot be considered effective until they are effective for all students. A Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a framework that is designed to eradicate systemic barriers through prevention and responsiveness to the varied needs of all learners. This approach leverages the most positive presumption about student ability. MTSS teams embed equity into their implementation of all aspects of MTSS “[to ensure] that every learner has access (and opportunity) to the educational resources and rigor they need at the right moment in their education across race, gender, ethnicity, religion, language, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, family background and/or family income” (The Aspen Education & Society Program & CCSSO, 2017). By fostering inclusive environments and practices and embracing diversity, we strive to create a more just and equitable educational landscape for all.
Stay in Touch
TA Center Leadership Team |
Susan Veenema Education Associate Delaware Department of Education Susan.Veenema@doe.k12.de.us |
Lauren Irwin Education Associate Delaware Department of Education Lauren.Irwin@doe.k12.de.us |
Debby Boyer School Age Director UD Center for Disabilities Studies dboyer@udel.edu |
Kristi Fry Project Manager UD Center for Disabilities Studies kcfry@udel.edu |
Sarah Hearn Project Manager UD Center for Disabilities Studies Skhearn@udel.edu |
TA Center Coaching Team |
Mackenzie Shane Instructional Coach mmshane@udel.edu |
Angelia Kowalczyk Instructional Coach akow@udel.edu |
Brigid Dux Instructional Coach bdux@udel.edu |
Brynn Fallah Instructional Coach Bfallah@udel.edu |
Dana Farrior Instructional Coach dfarrior@udel.edu |
Megan Pell Instructional Coach mpell@udel.edu |
Niki Kendall Instructional Coach robertsn@udel.edu |