The DASNPBS a tool designed to help schools assess their strengths and needs in the four major components of schoolwide discipline: Implementing Schoolwide and Classroom Systems, Developing Self-Discipline, Responding to Behavior Problems, and Providing Targeted and Intensive Behavioral Supports.

Resource Description How to Use This Resource
Overview Process This document provides an outline of the DASNPBS process and descriptions of the four major components of school-wide discipline Teams may review this document to gain an understanding of the DASNPBS purpose and to identify which components to complete for their school
Data Analysis This document outlines the data analysis process and how to move from reviewing data to action planning Teams may find this document useful for a step-by-step process of interpreting their DASNPBS results and identifying next steps
DASNPBS Analysis Tutorial This presentation provides a walk-through of the necessary steps to interpret the Needs Assessment Report using the Data Interpretation Worksheet Teams can use this presentation to help navigate their DASNPBS results and walk through the process of analyzing data
Directions for the DASNPBS Analysis Tutorial This document provides instructions on how to open and use the DASNPBS Analysis Tutorial presentation  
DE Strength and Needs Assessment for PBS This is the survey used to help schools assess their strengths and needs in the four schoolwide discipline categories. This examines both school-wide and classroom settings Teams can use this document to prepare for the DASNPBS by examining the criteria for each component.