DE-PBS Administrators
Why do School-wide PBS?
Enhancing schools through school-wide PBS (SW-PBS) helps:
- Build a positive school climate by creating a school community
- Establish a foundation for consistent use of language for behavior instruction, mastery, and student motivation
- Secure a collaborative and supportive effort with faculty and staff specifically through data-based planning
- Enrich relationships with families and community.
What as an Administrator are the three most important things I can do for my DE-PBS initiative?
- Acknowledge your SW-PBS team leader and team (praise your team, recognize your team and its leader at meetings, and individually acknowledge staff for their efforts)
- Attend SW-PBS team meetings and
participate (help to analyze data, streamline resources, brainstorm ideas) - Reserve time (5-10 minutes) for SW-PBS updates and data review at faculty meetings/PLC time.
Can SW-PBS sustain without an Administrator on Board?
- Likely not! Buy in and support for SW-PBS at the administrative level is key! Although administrators do not have to be the team leader per se, showing support and
following through with SW-PBS initiatives is imperative to successful implementation!
Administrator Round Table Resources: