Spring 2021 – DE School Climate Survey Enrollment is still available!

If not yet enrolled and interested in having your school participate online this year (survey window mid-March-May 2021), please email Sarah Hearn (skhearn@udel.edu).

Please note that you will need the following information to complete registration:

  • Enrollment numbers per grade level
  • The number of instructional staff in your building (principals, teachers, support staff, counselors, paraprofessionals, etc.)
  • Email address of the person who will be the building coordinator for the survey.
In 2020, did you know 86.2% of students, 93.5% of teachers and 96.4% of guardians surveyed reported that teachers treat students of all races with respect?  See more data results and details about the 2021 DSCS Flyer.

If you have additional questions regarding the DE School Climate Survey, please contact Linda Smith at DOE at linda.smith@doe.k12.de.us or Sarah Hearn at the UD Center for Disabilities Studies at skhearn@udel.edu.

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