FBA to BIP for Educators
October 27 & November 9, 2021

In this two-part series, participants will learn how function-based thinking can support student behavior. They will apply the basics of applied behavior analysis to address concerning behavior, understand the steps to complete a functional behavior assessment (FBA) and recognize the critical components of function-based behavior intervention plans (BIPs). Please note: It is strongly recommended participants complete both sessions. These workshops are open to ALL educators (e.g., general or special education teachers) who want to learn more about using a function-based approach to address concerning behavior. Attendees will leave prepared to support the development and implementation of behavior plans, but not necessarily lead or facilitate the FBA/BIP process in their schools.
Interested in credit for participating in these webinars asynchronously? Sign up for PDMS Course #30118 (Part 1 is Section #57774, Part 2 is Section #57775) in Schoology and complete the survey. If you do not need PDMS credit, feel free to just use the resources on this page.
Questions? Reach out to Niki Kendall
Webinar Recording
Part 1:
Part 2:
Webinar Materials:
Presentation Slides:
Additional Resources:
Session 1: FBA
- IRIS Data Module – Examples and practice activities of how to collect interval and frequency data.
- Behavior Made Easy App – This app allows you to take data using momentary time samples and compare the target student to a peer.
- IBRST Tools – Google folder with several tools for taking IBRST data and examples.
- ABCs of the IEP data tools
- FBA in Classroom Settings: Scaling Down to Scale Up: This article describes steps on how FBA can be applied in a straightforward way and provides detailed examples
Session 2: BIP
Prevent Interventions
Relationships & Noncontingent Attention
- Positively greet students at the door – This brief explains why this practice works and how to implement it.
- Moodmeter app – Students can describe how they are feeling visually and with words and explain why they are feeling that way.
- Templates for daily check ins – An example of a template to ask students daily questions, can be used with the whole class or individualized for specific students.
- 5 minute chat with students – This resource through the steps of deliberately checking in with a student through a 5 minute chat to encourage open communication and build connections.
- Noncontingent attention tip sheet
Predictable Classroom Routines & Transition Supports
- My Students Have Trouble with Transitions – What Can I Do?– This packet from NorthWest PBIS network outlines how to improve classroom procedures and transitions in multiple settings. Examples and further resources included.
- Tips for Teachers on classroom transitions
- Transitioning between activities – This website provides ideas on how to provide transition supports at the universal and more individualized level.
- Supporting Classroom Transitions Between Daily Routines: Strategies and Tips – This article outlines specific supports to help students with transitions and provides many examples.
- Helping Children Make Transitions Between Activities – This brief includes practical strategies and vignettes of how they can be implemented.
- When-then sentences: An evidence-based behavior strategy – This article includes an explanation of the strategy and printable resources.
- Sample Visual Schedules
- Visual Schedule Series
Provide Choices
- Digital Choice Board: This website provides guidance on how to design a digital choice board for students
- Examples of reading choice boards for 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade
- Choice Matrix
- How to Provide Choices & Improve the Most Challenging Behaviors (15 minute podcast)
- What Giving Students Choice Looks Like in the Classroom – This article provides examples appropriate for primary and secondary levels.
Increase Opportunities to Respond
- Providing Multiple Opportunities to Respond – This article explains the value of providing OTRs and lists 25 different examples of how to use OTRs in the classroom.
- Websites that provide high rates of OTRs
- Examples of response cards
Modify Instruction to Student’s Level/Behavioral Momentum
- Behavioral Momentum video demonstration and examples, including explanation on how to use it with older students.
- Behavioral momentum examples for various contexts and activities.
Teach Interventions
Specific SEL Skills
- Delaware SEL competencies
- Example of Mental Health/SEL Matrix
- Return to School Matrix Webinar – Webinar presented by the DE-PBS on how to integrate SEL skills into your school’s matrix for all students
- 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique – Video to use with students explaining the grounding technique.
- Coping Skills for Kids – This website has several resources for helping kids develop coping skills to deal with stress, anxiety, and anger.
- Breathing exercises page
- Headspace for educators – This resource (which is free for educators) provides resources for managing stress and anxiety and practicing coping skills.
- iConnect – Students can self-monitor progress towards a target behavior on this self-monitoring mobile app
- Building a Coping Toolbox – This website explains how to create a coping toolbox and provides ideas for materials to include.
- MoodMeter App: This app has several features for students to self-monitor emotions and provides strategies to regulate emotions.
- Self-management intervention – This website walks through the steps of the intervention and provides sample tracking sheets.
- Self-Monitoring Webinar – This 19 minute webinar explains how to have students use the self-monitoring strategy.
- Self-Monitoring IRIS module
- Staff reinforcement survey
- Student reinforcement survey example
- An Evidence-Based Logic for the Use of Positive Reinforcement – This article addresses and refutes common myths about using positive reinforcement
- Reinforcement Myths: This chart debunks common myths about reinforcement
- B+ App Information: This website explains how you can use the B+ App from PBIS to set up reminders for behaviors, create alarms, track frequency of behaviors, and track progress
- Teen SMART Goals App: This website describes what SMART goals are and explains how their app helps teens create and track their SMART goals
Reinforce to Increase Behaviors
- Staff reinforcement survey
- Student reinforcement survey example
- An Evidence-Based Logic for the Use of Positive Reinforcement – This article addresses and refutes common myths about using positive reinforcement
- Reinforcement Myths: This chart debunks common myths about reinforcement
- B+ App Information: This website explains how you can use the B+ App from PBIS to set up reminders for behaviors, create alarms, track frequency of behaviors, and track progress
Other Resources
- Brief FBA to BIP Tool: This fillable form addresses several sequential steps of FBA-BIP
- FACTS Interview Tool: This is fillable word document of a functional assessment checklist for teachers and staff to complete
- PTR Checklist: This tool provides a checklist for how to prevent, teach, and reinforce interventions with detailed reasons, examples and steps for how to use the various strategies
- Top 10 Behavioral Interventions: This article from PBIS.org includes 10 intervention strategies to support and respond to student behavior
- Tier 3 Forms and Tools: This part of the DE-PBS website provides further resources and tools for supporting students at the Tier 3 level