Using MTSS to Keep SEL a Priority When Reopening Schools Webinar
June 25, 2020
This webinar hosted by the DE-PBS project with guest presenter, Adriane Simpson, walks through the “CASEL Initial Guide to Leveraging the Power of SEL as You Prepare to Reopen and Renew Your School Community” and provides insight on centering the planning of reopening schools by utilizing an MTSS framework.
To watch the recorded webinar:
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Webinar Materials
- Using MTSS for SEL 6.25 Powerpoint Presentation
- Using MTSS for SEL 6.25 Presentation PDF Version
- CASEL Initial Guide to Leveraging Power of SEL
- Red Clay Trauma-Informed Re-entry Powerpoint Presentation
- Red Clay Trauma-Informed Re-entry Presentation PDF Version
- Padlet (includes important resources and websites from presentation)