2009-2010 was year one of the Social Skills Pilot in Delaware supported by the DE-PBS Project. For a number of years, Brandywine School District has been supporting students with social cognition needs, such as students with Asperger Syndrome, through implementing a social skills curriculum. Linda Raymond and Debby Korngold from Social Sensibilities, Inc. have been providing the professional development and coaching to participating school staff and group facilitators for Brandywine School District and are now doing so for the pilot schools.

In year one, the focus schools and districts included Brader and West Park Elementary Schools in Christina School District and North Star Elementary in Red Clay Consolidated School District, along with continued collaboration with Brandywine School District.  Through the pilot, facilitators received professional development, resources and materials, and on-site coaching and consultation.  School staff also received professional development to support the generalization of skills across settings.

Professional development opportunities were also offered state-wide to support the growing interest and need in the schools.  An introductory session was offered to school staff as well as a session that was open to parents and families interested in learning more about strategies to support students’ social learning.  A workshop on developing programming and IEP goals related to social skills was also offered to schools whether or not they were participating in the pilot.


History of Social Skills Pilot

Pilot Schools

Social Skills Pilot PD

Social Skills Resources