Suicide Prevention Using MTSS
With student mental health and suicide prevention being at the forefront of priorities, the DE-PBS Project has compiled helpful resources to implement suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention strategies within a multi-tiered system of support. See below to learn more about the relationship between school-based suicide prevention and MTSS; systems, data and practices needed for comprehensive school-based suicide prevention; and exemplars of suicide prevention strategies and programs at Tier 1, 2, and 3.
- Center on PBIS webinar Developing Comprehensive, Multi-Tiered School-Based Suicide Prevention
- Presentation Slides
- Helpful Resources from Battle Ground Public Schools
- Situating Mental Health Literacy Suicide Prevention within PBIS – This beneficial resource has a Slideshow presentation that reviews how Mental Health Literacy and Suicide Prevention can align with, as well as support, your PBIS program. (Retrieved from McDowell Institute, Bloomsburg University)
- Tier 1 Gatekeeper Training
- QPR Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention Training – Thanks to a state funded grant, NAMI Delaware is offering a free, 1-hour virtual training on how to recognize an individual who may be in a suicide crisis and how to guide them to proper treatment/services. QPR is a mnemonic that stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer to help you remember the 3 easy steps to helping a person who may be suicidal.
- Project DelAWARE and the Delaware Social Emotional Wellbeing (SEBW) Plan provide frequent opportunities for educators and community members to participate at no cost in a gatekeeper mental health literacy and suicide prevention training, Youth Mental Health First Aid. Contact Brynn Fallah ( for more information.

Source: Center on PBIS: Developing Comprehensive, Multi-Tiered School-Based Suicide Prevention