The 2025 DSCS enrollment survey is now open. If interested in having your school(s) participate online this year (survey window mid-February – early April 2025), a member of your staff should complete this online enrollment registration form by February 14, 2025.

Please note that you will need the following information to complete registration:

  • Enrollment numbers per grade level
  • The number of instructional staff in your building (principals, teachers, support staff, counselors, paraprofessionals, etc.)
  • Email address of the person who will be the building coordinator for the survey.    

Interested schools can contact Sarah Hearn at with questions.

Building survey coordinators will reference “Administration of Survey” page for directions and resources to inform planning survey administration.

Staff/Student/Home Survey Window: February 17 – April 11, 2025

To learn more about the DE School Climate Survey, please view our FAQ and/or the Delaware School Survey Foundation Resource. For those newer to the Delaware School Climate Survey process, this PowerPoint presentation provides background information on what this survey is measuring, why it is important, and the reliability and validity of the scales.