Developing Expectations and Behavior Matrix for Return to School Webinar
August 6, 2020
This webinar, hosted by the DE-PBS project, demonstrates how to update or develop a behavior matrix of schoolwide expectations to teach new health precautions, learning expectations and prioritize social emotional competencies that will need to be taught when returning to school for in-person or remote instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Interested in credit for participating in this webinar? Sign up for PDMS Course #30106 in Schoology and complete the survey. If you do not need PDMS credit, feel free to just use the resources on this page.
Webinar Recording
Webinar Materials:
Matrix for Return to School 8.6.20 Powerpoint Presentation
Setting Expectations and Developing the Matrix (DE-PBS Tier 1 Training Excerpt): Visit this presentation if you are less familiar with setting universal expectations and starting a behavior-focused teaching matrix.
DE-PBS Behavior Matrix Samples and Examples: We welcome you to explore these drives that contains Project developed samples & shared example matrices to help teams get started in revising their own tools.
DE-PBS School-wide and Classroom-wide Matrix Templates:
Sample Staff Pre-service Agenda
Return to School Action Plan: This school-based action plan template is from DDOE’s Supporting Staff and Student SEB Reentry Guide and Toolkit and has been populated with prompts for considerations around the behavior matrix development and teaching plan.
Additional Resources:
Brandywine Springs Distance Learning Posters: a special thanks to the Brandywine Springs PBS Team for sharing their matrix examples.
DE-PBS: Return to School MTSS & SEL Resources:This DE-PBS webpage contains resources, materials, and professional learning opportunities to assist educators with the return to school this fall (whether hybrid or virtual).
PBIS: Returning to School During and After Crisis:This guide from the Center for PBIS provides guidance for educators when returning to school to prioritize health and safety, social and emotional needs, and academic and behavioral needs.
Creating a PBIS Behavior Teaching Matrix for Remote Instruction:This brief guide from the Center for PBIS describes how to make a virtual classroom learning matrix and expectations for students.
Supporting Families with PBIS at Home:This brief guide from the Center for PBIS shows how families can use PBIS techniques with their children at home to support the emotional and social needs of their children.
CASEL Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Roadmap for Reopening School:This guide from CASEL provides guidance on critical SEL practices to include for students, staff, and families when planning to reopen schools.
Nemours Teach your Child How to Wear a Mask:This poster from Nemours explains how to teach children about the importance of wearing a mask. English and Spanish versions are both included.
Education Week Article: Teaching and Learning in the Pandemic
Education Week Article: Self Care for Teachers: We are Fighting for our Lives
Universally Designing Faculty Meetings and PLCs in the Virtual World
NYC Leadership Academy: Leading an Equity-Focused Response Through and Beyond COVID-19